To find the best low-cost tickets, our Kiwi-Code scours the web to bring you the best prices. You can also set alerts for any route to never miss out on great travel deals, building itineraries that suit your dreams and your budget.
Find cheap deals and low flight prices. The app uses our powerful Kiwi-Code search technology to give you access to exclusive deals, offers, and promo codes.
Try our "Anywhere" Search feature when searching for a trip, which shows you routes to places you might not have thought of. Use Nomad to build the best-value multi-city trips out there. See which days are cheapest to travel, by using our interactive calendar.
Customize your search by time, price, duration, airline, number of stops, number of bags, mode of transport — any variable you can think of — to find a low-cost trip that’s built just for you.
Stay in the know, even while up in the air. Get real-time flight updates straight to your device throughout your journey.
Be the first to know if your itinerary is broken by a delayed or cancelled flight.
Want to know more? Here are some of the most common questions your fellow travelers have asked about the mobile app: