What is check-in?

Check-in is the confirmation that you’ll take the flight. It’s when the airline issues you a boarding pass and assigns you a particular seat — if you haven’t added it earlier.
What is a boarding pass?
Nowadays, you can usually check in and get the boarding pass online, before you go to the airport. But some airlines or specific airports still require an airport check-in.

If possible online, we can usually do the check-in for you as a free service. That way, you only add your details once, and we’ll get all available boarding passes for you after the airlines open their online check-in. You’ll also avoid potential fees at the airport.
We’ll only ask you for the details required by the airlines, such as your passport/ID number and its expiration date and the COVID-19 related documents. We’ll need them up to 24h before departure.
How do I check in with Kiwi.com? or What documents do I need for check-in?

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