Lock the price of your trip and pay later

Not ready to book yet? We can lock the price of your trip while you decide
There’s nothing worse than checking the price of a trip you want to book, waiting a couple of days, then returning to find a much higher price. Make use of our price lock feature to buy yourself some time to decide.

How our price lock feature works

If the price:
  • Increases, you’ll pay the lower locked price, and we’ll cover the rest.
  • Increases more than €200, the maximum amount that we can cover, we’ll refund your price lock fee.
  • Decreases, you’ll get to pay the new lower price.
If the trip sells out before you complete your booking, we’ll refund your price lock fee.

For example:
You find a ticket from Porto to Vienna for €132. You want some extra time to confirm plans before you book, but you know that prices will probably go up soon.

You lock the ticket for a fee of €13 and give yourself the time to make your plans without stressing about rising ticket prices. After you lock the price, the cost of the ticket increases to €184. 

As long as you book before your price lock expires, your ticket will still cost you the original, locked price of €132, even though the non-locked price increased.

There might be some cases where the price will rise too much for us to cover. If the ticket increases from €132 to €333 (or more), we will refund your price lock fee as we cannot cover price increases over €200.
We can’t lock the price for additional services like baggage and insurance.

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