Flexi Ticket
You can choose your fare type when you make a booking.
A Flexi Ticket is perfect for you if you expect to change or cancel your trip.
When you rebook, you’ll only pay the difference for your new booking. If the price is the same or lower, it’s free.
You can change your trip with these conditions only once. After that, Saver Ticket rules will apply for all other changes or cancellations.
If you cancel your booking up to 48 hours before your trip, you’ll get a 80% refund.
Rebooking, changes, or any refunds are possible up to 48 hours before your trip.
If you booked less than a week before your trip, you can make changes or cancel up to 4 hours before the journey.
If you cancel your trip and receive a refund from us, if the carrier provides any further refund on top of this amount, we have the right to keep it as a fee for our services.
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