Adding extras or changing contact details through the carrier

When you book a flight with us, we confirm that reservation with the carrier on your behalf, acting as a sort of go-between. We can check you in, get you your boarding pass, and add extras to your booking like an additional carry-on bag or window seat. 

If you need to, there are some modifications you can make to your booking through the carriers directly. However, other types of changes might cause issues at the airport or lead to the loss of services such as our disruption services.
For some carriers, we’ll book your trip using our own credentials or through our agency account, so that we can access your reservation, handle your requests, and notify you of any changes to your itinerary. You might not be able to log in if you try to modify your trip through the carriers directly.

If you’d like to add extras to your booking or change your contact details

You can go through the carrier directly to add any extras such as baggage or seating with no problem on our end. The only exception would be if you added baggage on a no-checked-bag itinerary — in this case, we would not be able to cover you if anything were to happen to your flight or your baggage. 

Another action that we’d advise against would be changing your contact details in your reservation. If your trip were to have any schedule changes or delays we wouldn’t know about it or be able to offer you assistance. 

If you have our disruption services

If you have protection through our disruption services, you can still go through the carrier to add most extras. However, if you add baggage to a no-checked-bag itinerary, make changes to your contact details or booking, or cancel your trip directly with the carrier, you’d lose the protection offered to you by our disruption services. This is because we can’t assist you if we’re unaware of the changes. 

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