I received an alternative trip from you. Do I still have the same baggage allowance?

If we offer you an alternative trip with Disruption Protection Premium, we’ll try to give you the same baggage allowance that you had in your original itinerary.

However, some carriers might offer different baggage weights and dimensions, or they might have a different policy for cabin baggage. You can check the details directly with the carrier(s).

If the alternative’s baggage allowance is smaller, we’ll let you know when we offer it to you. Then you can decide whether to accept the alternative or not.

What if I can't catch my connection?

If you’re currently traveling and there's a delay that affects your connections, please go to your account, open your trip, and click on Going to miss your connection? We’ll show you your options and help you navigate what to do. 
We might also advise you to contact us directly. You’ll find an option to message or call us on the Contact us page, or at the bottom of any of our FAQ articles. Our phone numbers are also on your e-ticket.
If you have Disruption Protection, we’ll offer you alternative options or a form of compensation. 
If we can't see the delay in our systems, our agents will need to confirm it manually before they can assist you further.

You should also let us know when you'll be boarding the delayed flight, bus, or train so that we can book you an alternative that you’ll be able to catch.

In some cases, we might advise you to book an alternative yourself at the airport or station. However, please don’t book anything before you confirm it with our agent or agree on a refund. You might lose Disruption Protection.

What if my baggage is delayed or there are long queues at the airport?

If you miss your connection because of long queues at the airport, delayed baggage, or similar, please follow the instructions in the section above.

If you miss your trip because of your own doing, you'll need to arrange and pay for your own alternative trip. However, you can try to apply for a refund for the missed trip.

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